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浮世图景 Reality Bites

hiiff.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-04


When I Shut My Eyes

导演: 塞尔吉奥·布兰科 Sergio Blanco、米歇尔·伊巴文 Michelle Ibaven

国家: 墨西哥 Mexico

时长: 63

年份: 2019

The isolation of Adela and Marcelino is common among many inmates processed without an interpreter in their native language before the Mexican justice system. Through their subjective experience, the dreams and memories they preserve of their lands in prison, they express in two voices the disorientation and the need to resist against exclusion by telling their story.



System K

导演: 雷诺·巴雷 Renaud Barret

国家: 法国 France

时长: 95

年份: 2019

刚果共和国的金沙萨城历经战乱 ,饱受贫穷,却有着浓厚的艺术氛围。影片追随当地的街头艺术家们,记录着他们独特的表达方式。物质的匮乏和创作的丰富形成鲜明对比。在这座熙熙攘攘的都市中,他们用废铁、蜡烛、塑料、甚至血液,创造着属于自己的艺术。
Kinchasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017. In the urban jungle counting over 13 million inhabitants, amid social and political chaos, an eclectic and bubbling street art scene is emerging. Underground visual artists, musicians and performers create out of nothing, using recycled objects and their own bodies to express their anger, but also their dreams for change.



导演: 渡边智史 Satoshi Watanabe

国家: 日本 Japan

时长: 87

年份: 2019

92-year-old Keichi Iyama is the Bartender who invented a cocktail called Yukiguni. This gem of a story is of a cocktail that transcends generations, of more than a half-century of Mr. Iyama's reflection in a cocktail glass, of the loss of the love of his life, of covering lost bonds with family after a split, and of unwavering beauty and love through tough times.


Copper Notes of a Dream

导演: 雷萨·法拉曼 Reza Farahmand

国家: 加拿大 Canada、伊朗Iran

时长: 85

年份: 2019

To scrape money together for the concert, Malook and some friends pull the copper lines out of the walls of empty buildings that are riddled with bullets and rockets. In one of the most moving scenes, the children write apologies for their theft on the walls, should the people who have fled ever return. A spark of hope remains for the children and for us, too, as long as such acts and art – songs and wall paintings – survive.



导演: 布赖恩·洛斯基亚沃 Brian Loschiavo

国家: 美国 USA

时长: 83

年份: 2019

It's where countless Grammy winning songs, songwriters and megastars like Garth Brooks, Faith Hill and Taylor Swift were discovered. The documentary follows emerging singers, songwriters as they chase their dreams inside The Bluebird Café, Nashville's accidental landmark that has altered the course of music history.


Chèche Lavi

导演: 山姆·埃里森 Sam Ellison

国家: 墨西哥 Mexico、海地Haiti、美国USA

时长: 76

年份: 2019

Chèche Lavi is a lyrical portrait of two Haitian migrants, Robens and James,who find themselves stranded at the US-Mexico border with no way forward and no one to depend on but each other. The quiet, unexpected tenderness of their friendship shines in the eye of an incomprehensible geopolitical storm, even as the two men drift towards drastically different futures, and a new wall rises on the horizon.

少年无疆 (又名《孩童与荣耀》)

Kids and Glory

导演: 陆川 Chuan Lu、申兆清 Zhaoqing Shen、赵涵 Han Zhao、蒂亚戈•阿拉基利安 Tiago Arakilian、娜斯塔雅•塔拉索娃 Nastia Tarasova、里马•达斯 Rima Das、肖恩• 维尔莫滕 Shane Vermooten

国家: 中国 China、巴西 Brazil、印度 India、俄罗斯 Russia、 南非 South Africa

时长: 250

年份: 2019

To implement consensus among BRICS country leaders and form the "Third Pillar" in the BRICS cooperation mechanism, the five BRICS countries launched the "BRICS Documentary Co-production and Co-Exhibition" project in which each country films an episode under the theme "BRICS teenagers chasing their dreams". The final documentary was named Kids and Glory.
The event is an innovative initiative for cultural and personal exchanges between the BRICS countries and is of great importance to promote BRICS cooperation and broaden friendship between the five BRICS countries.


Cold Case Hammarskjöld

导演: 麦斯·布鲁格 Mads Brügger

国家: 丹麦 Denmark、挪威Norway、瑞典Sweden、比利时 Belgium

时长: 128

年份: 2019

Danish director Mads Brügger and Swedish private investigator Göran Bjorkdahl are trying to solve the mysterious death of Dag Hammarskjöld. As their investigation closes in, they discover a crime with even farther reaching consequences.


A is for Agustin

导演: 格蕾丝·西布兰 Grace Simbulan

国家: 菲律宾 Philippines

时长: 73

年份: 2019

Living in a remote corner of the Philippine islands, 40-year-old Agustin decides to enroll in grade one. Over the next six years, Agustin becomes increasingly torn between two realities – the children's world in school, and the increasingly harsh reality of the world outside. He must decide whether to continue his own quest for self-improvement – or pass the opportunity on to his son, the next generation.


Martha: A Picture Story

导演: 赛琳娜·迈尔斯 Selina Miles

国家: 澳大利亚 Australia、美国 USA、德国 Germany、巴西 Brazil

时长: 82

年份: 2019

Martha Cooper is an unexpected icon of the street art movement. She captured some of the first images of New York graffiti and compiled these images into the book Subway Art. However, the commercial failure of the book forced Martha to leave graffiti behind. 20 years later, at 75 years of age, Martha finds herself navigating a culture vastly changed. She struggles to find her place in this new world, driven by a passion for capturing the creativity that helps people rise above their environment.



导演: 亚历克斯·霍姆斯 Alex Holmes

国家: 英国 UK

时长: 93

年份: 2018

In the late 1980s, British amateur sailor Tracy Edwards turned her attention to the upcoming Whitbeck Global Tournament, an astounding 40,000 nautical mile round-the-world voyage with few ships to stop. Tracy convened the world's first international women's sailing team and participated in the competition. Because they lived in the life-threatening high seas and lived longer in the media with a storm of gender discrimination, this group of inspiring women had to encourage each other to prove that the opponents and skeptics were wrong. What they didn't fully expect, however, was how their expedition would not only mean a game that reached the finish line.


Memory: The Origins of Alien

导演: 亚历山大·欧·菲利普 Alexandre O. Philippe

国家: 美国 USA

时长: 95

年份: 2019

A contemplation on the symbiotic collaborative process of moviemaking, the power of myth, and the collective unconscious, Memory unearths the untold origin story behind Ridley Scott's Alien, rooted in Greek and Egyptian mythology, underground comics, the art of Francis Bacon, and the dark visions of Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger.