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万象中国 China Panorama

hiiff.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-04


Lhamo and Skalbe

导演: 松太加 Sonthar Gyal

国家: 中国 China

时长: 110

年份: 2019

Lhamo and Skalbe are unable to marry when they discover that Skalbe already has a registered marriage. Memories rush back as Skalbe embarks on a journey in search of his ex-wife Cuoyehe, only to discover that the girl had renounced her secular life when she broke their marriage promise four years ago. Cuoyehe's religious identity greatly hampers Skalbe's attempt to secure a divorce. Meanwhile, Lhamo grows distant. 



A Road to Spring

导演: 李骥 Ji Li

国家: 中国 China

时长: 98

年份: 2019

大川是一名80后火车机车厂修理工,他与怀孕的媳妇儿苏芳在小城过着波澜不惊的生活。由于机 车厂效益大不如前,大川等人将要被裁员,并有四万块的补偿金可以领取,大川计划用补偿金兑个小卖店稳稳的生活。一天晚上他回厂去取落在储物柜里的手机,意外的被保安当成小偷被工厂开除,开除后就失去了领取补偿金的资格。第二天苏芳带着大川去厂长家求情,厂长告诉他们如果能抓到小偷自证清白就可以把补偿金给他们。 至此以后,大川儿过上了一边谋生一边寻找小偷的生活。。
A worker who had been listed on the staff lay off plan by the factory manager, was caught accidentally and misjudged as a thief by mistake by the security guards. As a result, he was dismissed without his due redundancy paid. He had planned to start a small business with his pregnant wife with the compensation to start a new life. However, the factory director told him once he caught the thief to prove his own innocence, he would get the compensation back. From that moment on, his life became all about finding the real thief.


Wild Swords

导演: 李云波 Yunbo Li

国家: 中国 China

时长: 90

年份: 2019

Wan-Li Era of the Ming Dynasty, the Nameless Sect ends in a bloodbath and the heir of Tang-men Sect has been murdered. The suspect, a mystery kung-fu master Chang Wei-Ran was missing. Years later, Kuo Changsheng got captured by the Man in white. The Man in white entrusted the bodyguard Wang Yidao to go with them as his last task. Wang found more and more mysterious and uninvited companies gathering around Kuo. It is all connected to the massacre happened 15 years ago and Chang. Who is the murderer? Who is the survivor? Who is telling the truth? Who can survive until the end?


The Silent Herdsman

导演: 张一凡 Yifan Zhang

国家: 中国 China

时长: 93

年份: 2018


This is the story of the inn owner Hasim and his young employee Elken. They provide the travellers with horses on the vast isolated Kazakh Steppe. Hasim is silent and cold while Elken is chirpy and passionate. Despite the clash between their personalities, they begin to understand each other. As Elken learns more and more about the Kazakhstan traditions from Hasim, Elken's enthusiasm slowly melts Hasim's coldness.


The Poet

导演: 刘浩 Hao Liu

国家: 中国 China

时长: 123

年份: 2018

Li Wu always seemed to be a loner among the miners. Instead of mining as his destiny, Wu used his hand to write a poem. His wife Hui is gentle and virtuous with full of admiration for her husband's talent. Hui made the housework well organized. Under the pent-up environment of the mines in the small town of Northwest, the beloved couple turned their lives into a poem, becoming the envy of everyone. To manifest her husband's talent, Hui made her efforts to organize his poetry collection into a book, finalize the Poet Li Wu but missed their fate of the husband and wife. Years later, the old lovers who come across again has become strangers. Those unfinished feelings, together with the familiar taste and breath, will be always drawn Hui to find her lover Li Wu.



Over the Sea

导演: 孙傲谦 Aoqian Sun

国家: 中国 China

时长: 106

年份: 2019

Eleven-year-old Yu Xiaojie lives with his maternal uncle; his migrant worker parents have not returned for many years. His uncle runs a roadside inn, a simple and crude establishment frequented by a chaotic mix of patrons. Yet, it is a place where Xiaojie is able to roam about freely as he hustles and swindles alongside his uncle, like a ruler of his own little world. One day, Xiaojie chooses"The Sea"as his theme for his school scrapbook project. He is full of curiosity about its legendary sea monsters, leading him to often blur the line between reality and fantasy. His wish is to buy an "Ocean Encyclopedia". However, he tried everything he could and finally made a bold decision.