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Film Screenings

天涯海角 World Cinema

hiiff.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-04


A Brother's Love

导演: 莫妮亚·肖克里 Monia Chokri

国家: 加拿大 Canada

时长: 117

年份: 2019

35岁的索菲娅求职失败,走投无路之际,投奔哥哥卡里姆。兄妹二人亲密无间,卡里姆也很乐意与妹妹共住一个屋檐下。 但当他有生以来首次陷入爱情时,兄妹心生间隙。索菲娅感觉哥哥已经大步迈向人生新的阶段,而自己却停在原地手足无措,开始质疑自己的人生目标,并做出让自己“成长”的选择。电影以幽默风趣的故事探讨另类亲密关系。
After failing to secure a faculty position in the Philosophy department, 35-year-old Sophia is forced to “temporarily” move in with her older brother Karim. Given their close relationship, he’s more than happy to share his place with his little sister. Their unbreakable bond will be put to the test when, for the first time in his life, Karim falls head over heels in love. Feeling abandoned, Sophia is forced to question her real purpose in life and make choices that will allow her to finally become an adult.



A Colony

导演: 热纳维耶芙·杜鲁·迪赛尔斯 Geneviève Dulude-De Celles

国家: 加拿大 Canada

时长: 102

年份: 2019

A timid 12-year-old girl is about to leave her native countryside to begin high school. She becomes lost in the hostile environment, and along the way, she encounters a young indigenous outsider who helps her embrace herself.




导演: 玛丽亚姆·图扎尼 Maryam Touzani

国家: 摩洛哥 Morocco、法国 France

时长: 98

年份: 2019

The lives of two vulnerable women in Casablanca——one pregnant, homeless, and shunned, the other widowed and bereft——converge and transform in this heartwarming directorial debut from celebrated actor Maryam Touzani.



The Aeronauts

导演: 汤姆·哈伯 Tom Harper

国家: 英国 UK

时长: 101

年份: 2019

In 1862 headstrong scientist James Glaisher and wealthy young widow Amelia Wren mount a balloon expedition to fly higher than anyone in history. As their perilous ascent reduces their chances of survival, the unlikely duo soon discover things about themselves -- and each other -- that help both of them find their place in the world.



A Tale of Three Sisters

导演: 埃敏·阿尔柏 Emin Alper

国家: 土耳其 Turkey、德国 Germany、荷兰 Netherlands、希腊 Greece

时长: 107

年份: 2019
Three sisters Reyhan, Nurhan and Havva are reunited in the remote mountain village where they grew up with their father, after having lived as ‘besleme’ (foster child and maid) with their foster parents in the city. All three desire to return to the city as soon as possible, whether this might be achieved depends on their tactics of solidarity, competition, and on the decisions of the men around them including their father, their foster-father, and Reyhan’s husband.



Baamum Nafi

导演: 马马杜·迪亚 Mamadou Dia

国家: 塞内加尔 Senegal

时长: 109

年份: 2019

Two brothers fight over their children's planned marriage. Yet, what is at stake is how a small community slowly drifts towards religious extremism. Dia succeeds not only in capturing a local situation, but in creating a tragedy of universal dimension in which brothers are pitted against brothers and children must suffer for the errors of their fathers.



Don't Forget To Breathe

导演: 马丁·特克 Martin Turk

国家: 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia、意大利 Italy、克罗地亚 Croatia

时长: 101

年份: 2019

15-year old Klemen lives with his elder brother Peter and single mother in a small and remote rural town. Klemen's well-established routine of spending time with his beloved brother on the tennis court and by the nearby river gets interrupted by Peter's sudden and passionate love affair with his gorgeous classmate Sonja. This triggers a torrent of conflicting emotions and reckless actions by Klemen.



Gloria Mundi

导演: 罗贝尔·盖迪吉昂 Robert Guédiguian

国家: 法国 France、意大利 Italy

时长: 107

年份: 2019

In Marseille, a family gathers for the birth of baby Gloria. But despite the joy, the young parents have fallen on tough times. As they try to make ends meet, they reconnect with Gloria’s ex-convict grandfather.



The Good Intentions

导演: 安娜·加西亚·布拉雅 Ana García Blaya

国家: 阿根廷 Argentina

时长: 96

年份: 2019

Amanda and her siblings live in shifts with their divorced parents. But one day, her mother proposes an alternative life outside the country, away from the neglected life of their father. This situation forces Amanda to make an important decision that is going to change her life forever.



Heroes Don't Die

导演: 奥德·利·拉平 Aude Léa Rapin

国家: 法国 France、比利时 Belgium、波黑Bosnia and Herzegovina

时长: 85

年份: 2019

After being violently called out by a stranger, Joachim believes he is the reincarnation of a Serbian soldier who died on the very day he was born. He embarks with his friend Alice and a small film crew on a journey to Bosnia to track back details of his former life.In a country haunted by war, Alice will manage to make him reach immortality.

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