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CAIJING • Era of the Philanthropy Economy

boaoforum.org | Updated: 2018-04-11

Time: April 9, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Venue: Seaview Meeting Room, Dongyu Island Hotel

China has become the second largest economy in the world, a development that coincided with Chinese enterprises accelerating their strategies of going global. On top of the challenges at the economic level in the globalization process, businesses are expected to understand and manage differences in the local culture, customs and legal and regulatory environment of the countries they invest in. Their willingness to assume more corporate social responsibility has become an important reference point for the country in attracting overseas investment. 

The era of integrating philanthropy into economic development is here. Creating philanthropy is considered one of the most important accomplishments for business, along with creating economic value. More and more enterprises are turning their philanthropic words into philanthropic actions and impact. Businesses today should combine their social and economic responsibilities. As the saying goes, "Where there are business opportunities, there are responsibilities."